I got 6,786 Robux for Christmas, so...
I bought:
ArcaneWarPiercer R$ 1,050
Slicadon R$ 1,050
Master Noobs Skin R$ 1,240
Universal Skin R$ 1,300
Golden Skin R$ 1,500
Code Skin R$ 630
In total, I spent 6,770 Robux.
Was it worth it?
You spent $85 on Boss Fighting Stages alone. Godspeed, you madman.
And I bought 100k more Robux
And bought so much BP
What is this?
In any case, we hope that supercloud will finish at least part 8 in a year...
BP is Boss Points.
Wait, you need Robux to develop a game?
Yea the shopping spree was a troll
I still have 6.1k robux
And the boss points were just a screenshot from a youtube video, called "piercer vs sir kadee solo"
More robux = more dopamine for super = more motivation for him which equals to him lasting ten more seconds developing in roblox studio which is ten more seconds than the average amount he spends developing per day (Which is about two minutes)
What do you think?