I wish I can only reply with no
You're stuck here until the end if time, so basically even if you're dead you'll be here.
I wish for a lifetime supply of cool-whip
Sadly no good wishes come to mind (tbh I wish I can too)
I wish for a wish that can never be corrupted in it's life time
You get an 8ball that only says legit. That's what you wanted, correct?
I wish I can not roast people
Yo dadda (I feel like nobody is even doing actual wishes)
I wish for more Halloween candy
I wish I wasn't a flower
You can change your name now! But you can only change it to TheEpicIceDoge.
I wish I can be a midget
You died from saying a phrase the personally offends the government
I wish I could have unlimited robux
You become super cringy, but now everyone is cringier then you and you're considered normal.
I wish for free cake
That emoji dies off so you didn't make a wish! You lose your soul, gj.
I wish that I can become a bird
It never trusts you, ever. sucks for you
I wish for nothing
All current evil people die but now everybody else is evil
I wish I can teleport out of school whenever I feel like it
Every game that's currently on the front page gets locked so BFSR can never be on it
please don't kill me
I wish everyone has the username: your friendly neighbor
Since you wished school to never exist it's now EVERY SINGLE DAY of the year, with the execption of leap-days
I wish to get Fs on my report card so I can prove to my friend that I'm dumb
It goes to normal for 3 seconds then comes back MUCH louder than before and your ears die
R.I.P Your Ears
I wish I can have an army of cats to take over the world
Your game fails to load everytime you try getting on it so you can't suck at all your classes or be good at them.
I wish for my cat to stop blocking my screen.
You become the ultimate fighter, but one second later your banned
I wish..... to be the edgiest person alive
Every cat in the world explodes preventing this wish from coming ture
I wish for unlimited candy
Once you shoot one explosive you destory the universe. Look what you did.
I wish I can jump off a cliff successfuly without anybody coruptting my wish