Me? Mine would be - Under My Control (A.K.A Magolor Phase 1)
Granted, It's a GLADOS Potato (Careful where you bite, Spiky metal stuff inside.)
I wish for good music
Yes but it's shit
I wish chapter 9 came out
Granted, But It becomes Mach speed and kills in 1 hit
I wish you
It's a new chapter to the cryptum
We need to solve it
So we can access it.
The living crud
Yo craft ya seein this?
The Golden Wings of the Pathfinder was then automatically given to you. BUT SUDDENLY! I would jump out of a random bush! (I don't know, It was just there.) And I would steal it! MUAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA *COUGH* *COUGH* *VOMIT*
I wish there to be a reply after this one.
You don't have to wear glasses the next day, but then someone threw a knife at both your eyes so now you can't see...
I wish I didn't get a reply.
Lol I will betray you and ur ugly face.
I wish to be a Baller Champion
Me? Mine would be - Under My Control (A.K.A Magolor Phase 1)
Bomber and Rocketer
Uh I think he said 'new' class ideas. Bomber and Rocketer are oLD Class ideas
It's ok if they're old just tell me what the stats/attacks would be. Let's get creative, Shall we?
what would you create as a new character?
Mine would be: Murderer (wields a knife)
Stats: Health: low, Speed: medium, Attack: high
Standard attacks: clicking will make your character slash in front of them using a knife (deals High damage). Click and hold will (when the left mouse is released,) throw a knife that archs (deals moderate damage).
Tier 1 attack: Knife spread, throws 5 knives at the same time in a spreading fashion
Tier 2 attack: Bloodlust, user has increased speed and attack stats for 8 seconds
Or maybe if all the masters were in a non-canon chapter and you could fight all of them?