Low Speed (only when rock is equipped)
High Health
High Damage
(i did not want to name him sisyphus cuz yeah, but if you want me to then say it)
Lifter has normal walkspeed, but if you equip rock (Lifter's weapon) it slows you down by a bit. (like 1 walkspeed or smth)
Lifter will lift his boulder up then slam it on the ground, each hit leaving a crack on the ground and dealing 500 damage
If the boss has more hp or is harder to beat, Lifter's damage will increase by a bit and sometimes be a little heavier and bigger
Level 10: Throw your rock (yes) dealing 1000 damage (10 second cooldown) (also increases the more difficult a boss is)
Level 50: Be able to pull out pieces of your rock and throw them, dealing 250 damage each small rock (increases a bit the more difficult a boss is)
Level 100: THROW YOUR ROCK SO HARD THAT IT CRACKS OPEN AND DEALS 5000 DAMAGE HOLY CRAP (60 second cooldown) (only increases very little everytime a boss becomes more difficult)