Boss Fighting Stages Rebirth Wikia
Boss Fighting Stages Rebirth Wikia

Giant Armour Noob is a non-canon miniboss.

ha ha ha u cant defeat me!!1!
— Giant Armour Noob, beginning his fight with "You"

Giant Armour Noob[]

Giant Armour Noob, also referred to as GAN, is a gargantuan noob clad in armour. Like the other noobs, GAN's personality is childish, a reference to the stereotypical behavior of young, new Roblox players. 

He also appears to be the miniboss version of hammer noobs, just without a hammer.

Miniboss Information[]

Name Description
Noob Smash GAN smashes his fist downwards, creating a shockwave that damages anyone nearby and destructively shaking the screen.