Boss Fighting Stages Rebirth Wikia

King's Faction refers to the faction that King, the Masters, and You are a part of. While it's unclear if King's Faction is simply the monarchy of Draco itself, or is a different faction entirely, one thing is certain-- they are at odds with the Darkin.

Note that although King, the Masters, and You are some of the characters currently known to be a part of the faction, there is still a possibility of more members that have yet to be revealed.


Very little is known about the history of King's Faction as of now, other than the fact that they appear to be the protagonist faction within the game, and have existed for at least 3 years, if not longer.


The following are the currently known members of King's Faction:

-King: First appeared in Chapter 2.

-Baller: First appeared in Chapter 4.

-Piercer: First appeared in Chapter 4.

-Slicer: First appeared in Chapter 4.

-Crusher: First appeared in Chapter 4.

-You: First appeared in Chapter 2.

-Bomber: First appeared in Chapter 7.

-Rocketer: First appeared in Chapter 7.

-Spiriter: First appeared in Chapter 7.

-Kai: First appeared in Chapter 7.

-Troweler: First appeared in Chapter 7.

-Zhao: First appeared in Chapter 7.

-Caster: First appeared in Chapter 7.

-Volucer: First appeared in Chapter 7.

-Prolabor: First appeared in Chapter 7.

-Slasher: First appeared in Chapter 7.
