Part One
Start in BFS and look for numbers said by the server during dialogue. Combine it all to get to a profile. Figure out the riddle on the profile to get onto a model, once getting here, figure out what the answer is, and search up the user.
Code, profiles, and model are shown in the spoilers section.
Code: 92843013, leads to Blaert
Translating the numbers from Spanish to English, and reversing them will give you 839540851. Leads to Endgame-SC9. Figuring out the description- [1] being Quazer, [2] being Primis, and [3] being an underscore between them- will lead to Quazer_Primis
Part Two
Go to the game Seventh and put an answer in all 6 boxes to enter. You and up to 1 other person will take on 3 challenging waves, completing all 3 waves will award you with a badge, a code, and an key.
Using the acquired code to get to a model. Go back to the inventory of a previous account and go to a model relating to the model you got to with the code. Figure out the description to get to another profile, of which leads to another profile.
Answers to access Seventh, the waves, profiles etc are shown in the spoilers section.
Quote: Caevis (found in Quazer_Primis' updated description, by the quote 'Mana believer believer, unable to deceive the perceiver.', which indicates Caevis Arzen.)
Dedication: Septem (found in Quazer_Primis' old description, being Septum Dedication.)
Highest Vitallity: Crisis SpringWrath
Toughest: Soul Weegee
Castle Location: Draco Grasslands
Strongest: SirKadee
Wave 1: Soul Turdulator
Wave 2: Baller, Piercer, Slicer, and Crusher
Wave 3: Crisis MerryWrath and Crisis SpringWrath
Once beating all waves, you will be given a key, being 246087194, and an key, being Ancient Language. The number leads to Volucer's Binders 2.0. This model is there to hint you to go back to Blaert's profile, and go to Volucerpic. Figure out the description- [1] being a hint towards an ancient language, being latin, and [2] being an underscore splitting Prolabor (a latin word) into 2 known words, being Pro, and Labor, so Pro_labor. This leads to the profile Pro_labor. 'First know the short name of this user's rarity' hints at Prolabor's light spears of revengeance. The short name of this would be LSOR. 'The definition of magic users is my final charity.' means Quazer. Combining LSOR and Quazer leads you to LSORQuazer.
Part Three
Continue on with the previous profile and combine it with a hint from Fourth's description to get to another profile. Go from that profile to another, and another, and to another. That profile will contain the key to access the game Fourth.
You and up to 3 other people will take on another trio of challenging waves. Completing all 3 waves will award to you a code. You will only obtain the badge if you survive the end of wave 3.
Use the code obtained to get to a model. The model will lead you to a profile.
Code to access Fourth, the waves, profiles etc are shown in the spoilers section.
Starting in the description of Fourth, the description of Fourth is a hint to check Supernal's inventory and find a model of Mr. Jul, leading to EpicN. The description hints at the answer of the puzzle being combined with a previous puzzle, which comes from LSORQuazer. LSORQuazer's puzzle has a section in square brackets directly quoting the dictionary description of the word "draconian", and combining it with the answer to EpicN, which is "noob", will lead you to DraconianNoob. The defensive master in the description refers to Troweler, while the spiritual scary refers to the Wraith, hence leading to TrowelerWraith. The hammer master refers to crusher, while the army slaughtered is the Redcliff, leading to RedcliffCrusher. The description hints towards Rocketer, with the final part mentioning the addition of master, which leads to MasterRocketer. The description gives you the key 956624.
Key: 956624
Wave 1: Crisis SpringWrath
Wave 2 (Triple Threat): Soul Turdulator, Newbiemancer, and Piercer
Wave 3 (Epic Rush): Epic Noobs and Christmas FOE
Once beating all waves, you will be a given a key, being 2318527353, and a hint, "Tip['Addition of the entry and exit']". This leads you to the game Quazer Primis's Place. The description gives two numbers, 417165380, and 5698538. Subtracting the latter from the former gives 411466842, leading to Rocket. The ruler adorned with a title and is connected to a different plane is the Spirit King, while the finisher of the splintered sky is the Asudem, leading to SpiritKingAsudem.