Boss Fighting Stages Rebirth Wikia

Daggyer Daggyer 16 April 2023

Oc for the heck of it


Normal= - Battle= - Battle Phase 2= }} |boss= yes |title= Master of the pitchfork |firstapp= |allegiance= N/A |theme= Battle:Waterflame - Clutterfunk

Battle phase 2:Waterflame - Sky Fortress

|health= 1400000 |skills= |immunities= |difficulty= 6 |xp= |pp= }}

  • 1 Appearence
  • 2 Backstory
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Abilities
  • 5 Battle phase 1

Scarhcrow is a scarecrow with an old looking wizard hat and a face with stitching for a mouth, which makes him struggle to speak a normal voice. His choice of weapon would be a Pitch fork.

Scarhcrow was never a normal scarecrow, living in a farm, which had got attacked by unknown forces which killed his owner, this owner had an unknown fo…

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Daggyer Daggyer 27 December 2016

Shapenor x A sharpener


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Daggyer Daggyer 13 December 2016

Verdor's Chapter Plot

  • 1 Chapter Plot
    • 1.1 The encountering of a familiar castle
    • 1.2 Vs Shapenor and Alexandra
    • 1.3 vs Verdor

You encounter the castle from chapter 3 but this time it looks way more buffed with lots of obstacles, you remember when azurewrath said his superior would be disappointed? this is the chapter when you will be meeting his superior for the first time, you'll have to defeat all 3 bosses and find their gems, the gems are placed randomly across the arena of the first, second and third floor, after you find them you can continue to the next floor until you fight Verdor himself. You and crusher, baller , piercer and slicer encounter the castle from chapter 3

You: Isn't this the castle we fought Azurewrath in?

Crusher: It seems that someone is back for reveng…

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Daggyer Daggyer 16 April 2023


- Verdor=

- Bowler=

- Doom= |thumb]]|50x50px]] }} |title = The Master of Katanas |firstapp = |allegiance = The Friend trio |theme = Verdor: [1]
Bowler: [2]
Doom: [3] |health = 1500000 |skills = 7 |immunities = |difficulty = 9 |xp = 10000 |pp = 500 }}

  • 1 Verdor
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Backstory
  • 4 Weapons
  • 5 Fighting Mechanics
  • 6 Shapenor
  • 7 Backstory
  • 8 Personality
  • 9 Fighting mechanics
  • 10 Alexandra
  • 11 Backstory
  • 12 Personality
  • 13 Fighting mechanics
  • 14 Alexandra's minions
  • 15 Shapenor's minions

He wears pitch black pants, a sleeveless royal purple shirt and a black bowtie to top it off. On his head rests a grey tophat with a shiny purple band around it that covers up a decent amount of his dark purple hair. At last, around his neck is his trusty old purple scarf. Very simple weapons inc…

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