Eira Chapter Plot
- 1 Gameplay
- 1.1 Opening the Gate
- 1.2 Gjoll River
- 1.3 VS Fenris Vanagand
- 1.4 The Cavern of the Damned
- 1.5 VS Helen Nifol
- 1.6 Nidahel Lake
- 1.7 VS Eira
- 2 Plot
- 2.1 Many Centuries Ago
- 2.2 Present Day
- 3 Transcript
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Opening the Gate
- 3.3 Gjoll River
- 3.4 VS Fenris
- 3.5 The Cavern of the Damned
- 3.6 VS Helen Nifol
- 3.7 Nidahel Lake
- 3.8 VS Eira
The first encounter consists of a large gate built into a cliff, with a mana barrier maintained by cultists on the other side. The barrier allows cultists to come out, but no one can enter. The door opens into a central pit area about 2/3 the size of the spirit arena. On the side of the pit opposite to the door is a stairway that leads up to a large circular landing. Branching off of that landing are two walkways bordering the edges …
Eira Kaeliyah
- Normal=
- Battle=
- Unsealed=
|title = Leader of the Aberrant Dogma
|firstapp =
|allegiance = Aberrant Dogma
|theme = Sealed Form: NeLime - Leviathan
Unsealed Form: Phyrnna - Fallen Blood
|health = 3000000
|skills = 19
|immunities =
|difficulty = 8
|xp = ?
|pp = ?
Chapter plot can be found here.
- 1 Eira
- 1.1 Backstory
- 1.1.1 Many Centuries Ago
- 1.1.2 Present Day
- 1.2 Boss Information
- 1.1 Backstory
- 2 Fenris
- 2.1 Backstory
- 2.2 Boss Information
- 3 Helen
- 3.1 Backstory
- 3.2 Boss Information
Eira is the leader of the Korbloxian cult known as the Aberrant Dogma. She wears a shirt and pants made of dragon leather. On her back she dons a cloak out of dragon wing leather adorned with two Korbloxian ice dragon horns and two ribbons of silver inscribed with various runes. On her neck she…
Week of 6/12 Pairing Voting
Comment the next cringy pairing in BFS for Super to read on 6/17! All submissions and polls close at 7 PM PST on the listed date.
Any real-life people
Slasher x Slicer
Zhao x anyone
King x You
Piercer x Caster
Pairing submissions close on 6/14, and a poll will be made on the fanfiction page to vote for the best pairing.
On 6/15 I will write a fanfic based on the top voted pairing.
On 6/17, Super will read the fanfiction.
Previous pairings:
Aqua x Lord of the Shadows
Prolabor x Caster
Dezadon x Female Arcane Warlock
Week of 6/5 Pairing Voting
Comment the next cringy pairing in BFS for Super to read on 6/10! All submissions and polls close at 7 PM PST on the listed date.
Any real-life people
Slasher x Slicer
Zhao x anyone
King x You
Piercer x Caster
Pairing submissions close on 6/5, and a poll will be made on the fanfiction page to vote for the best pairing.
On 6/7, fanfiction submissions start for the chosen pairing, and on 6/9, a poll will be made on the fanfiction page to vote for the cringiest fanfiction.
On 6/10, Super will read the top voted fanfiction.
Previous pairings:
Aqua x Lord of the Shadows
Prolabor x Caster
Week of 5/29 Pairing Voting
Comment the next cringy pairing in BFS for Super to read on 6/3! All submissions and polls close at 7 PM PST on the listed date.
Any real-life people
Slasher x Slicer
Zhao x anyone
King x You
Piercer x Caster
Pairing submissions close on 5/29, and a poll will be made on the fanfiction page to vote for the best pairing.
On 5/31, fanfiction submissions start for the chosen pairing, and on 6/2, a poll will be made on the fanfiction page to vote for the cringiest fanfiction.
On 6/3, Super will read the top voted fanfiction.
Previous pairings:
Aqua x Lord of the Shadows