The Hedonizer
- Hedonizer=
- Apollo=
- Daphne=
}} |title = Unknown |firstapp = |allegiance = Paraphilia Ensembla |theme = Hoshina Anniversary - See-Through |health = 1000000 |skills = 3 |immunities = |difficulty = 5 |xp = 10000 |pp = 500 |boss=no }}
- 1 The Hedonizer
- 2 The Hedonizer's Spirits
- 3 Personality
- 4 Abilities
The Hedonizer is a man of unknown age and origin with pale white skin. His eyes are concealed behind a pair of black aviators and his teeth are prominently clenched in a nigh-expressionless visage. Atop his head lies a black stetson with fluorescent pink banding. He dons a sleeveless hot pink shirt and black trousers. The Hedonizer's weapon of choice is an oversized black leather S&M paddle with pink outlining and the shape of a heart carved into the …