Boss Fighting Stages Rebirth Wikia

Quujo1 Quujo1 16 April 2023


- Normal=

- Battle=

}} |title = Son Of Chaos |firstapp = |allegiance = Chaos |theme = Zero Project - Gothic |health = 1500000 |skills = 3 |immunities = |difficulty = 9 |xp = ? |pp = ? }}

  • 1 Kaz 
  • 2 Backstory
  • 3 Kaz Boss Info
  • 4 Korbloxian King Boss Info
  • 5 Ghost Kaz
  • 6 Doom Kaz
  • 7 Boss Infromation

Chaotic Energy is how Kaz attacks/moves, so kind of like how the masters use their weapons, but it doesn't make the weapon forever.

He can summon a dagger depending on his chaotic energy. But he can punch you without chaotic energy

Kaz once used to belong to the Korbloxian Kingdom till one day a Darkin member told him what the Korbloxians wanted to do to the world, so he helped them imprison the Korbloxian King, and hoped that was the end of it, and then from there he…

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