Boss Fighting Stages Rebirth Wikia

SpectreSkies SpectreSkies 16 November 2020

BFS Fangame, All-Shadow's War: Nargalis

=="Ever since you took down the Shadow Hunter Quintiplets, you've been a nuisance I've been waiting to crush."  - Nargalis before fighting the Protagonist.==

Nargalis serves as the main antagonist, and Final Boss, of the All-Shadow's War series. He took Zero's Throne in exchange for giving Zero unfathomable power, where Nargalis gets this power from is unknown, yet.

His History is very hidden, the only clue of his first moments of existance were: "From mind I was made, to now, I felt as if I were infinite..."

What does it mean?

Nargalis is THE most Challenging Boss in the ASW Series, with his rapid attacks and high-ish damage. He has 3 phases, 2 of which he stays normal size. His 3rd phase happens after a cutscene. Nargalis becomes giant and us…

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